This article shows how MuleSoft’s Runtime Fabric (RTF) deployed to Red Hat OpenShift delivers a modern containerized API solution.

This article shows how MuleSoft’s Runtime Fabric (RTF) deployed to Red Hat OpenShift delivers a modern containerized API solution.
Introduction As a Solution Architect for Red Hat’s ecosystem, I talk to many independent software vendors (ISVs) about modernizing their applications to enable hybrid cloud and edge strategies. Linux, containers, Kubernetes and micro-services architecture are a default choice nowadays in many new application development projects. But sometimes you can not get rid of some dependencies […]
By Robert Baumgartner, Red Hat Austria, August 2023 Tested with OpenShift 4.13, AMQ Streams 2.4, Camel K 1.10, and OpenShift Serverless 1.29 Camel K helps us integrate systems in an easy, simple, and cost-effective way. Do more with less. Do more with less. That’s the goal for everyone right now. But every company also has […]
ˈpætɚns Probably almost every time we are starting to understand and to solve a general problem, we will ask ourselves, am I the first one who is facing that problem, or have there been others who in the end either failed or succeeded. This is particularly true, if I am highly uncertain whether my own […]