Sustainability in the Age of Local LLMs: Who’s Watching the Electricity Bill?

tl;dr The rise of AI, particularly large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT, has been transformative, making advanced technology accessible and widely used. However, with their growing adoption comes a pressing concern: the sustainability of their energy consumption. This article explores a practical approach to evaluating the power usage of different LLMs using a sample chatbot […]

The Future of generative AI in the Financial Sector

In just two months, ChatGPT reached 100 million users, outpacing TikTok and WhatsApp. This shows AI’s growing popularity, especially versatile generative AI. In 2024, generative AI’s influence in tech and finance is undeniable. This article looks at key generative AI trends in finance for 2024. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a broad field that aims to […]

Review of 2023

OpenSourcerers 2023 is a wrap! It was packed with interesting articles covering a wide range of topics. There are 52 articles available covering high level topics down to the dirty technical details of using Red Hat’s products and other OpenSource technologies. Your Opensourcerers blog editors followed along of course! As we come from varying backgrounds […]

Language (r)evolution

As ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus once said, the only constant in life is change. And it accurately applies to language as well. The spectacle of language change can be observed from two perspectives: synchronous (different language versions going hand-in-hand at the same time) and asynchronous (how language evolves across decades, centuries or millennia). And, taking […]

Why Java is like German

As a person with years of academic experience as a linguist and deep love for learning languages, I’ve been pretty much used to discovering all the intricacies of different language systems and comparing them with each other. However, even when I developed an enthusiasm for programming, I still treated natural and programming languages as two […]

The pleasures of being the Chief-Chief-Editor

Sometimes things happen, and then you need to jump in. You might have deducted from a couple of our posts in the past, mainly around Year-End, that we have a couple of Chief-Editors for this weekly publication. And as there also sometimes someone needs to be the Chief of the Chiefs, we decided, that I […]

Review of 2022

OpenSourcerers 2022 is a wrap! It was packed with interesting articles covering a wide range of topics. There are 52 articles available covering high level topics down to the dirty technical details of using Red Hat’s products and other OpenSource technologies. Your Opensourcerers blog editors followed along of course! As we come from varying backgrounds […]

Securing the integrity of Software Supply Chains

Overview How can we secure the integrity of our Software Supply Chains and have confidence that our software has not been tampered with and can be traced to its source? Which are the main parts of the software supply chain security? Before explaining how to secure the Software Supply Chain, we need first to understand […]

The datacenter of the future

When I try to look into the future, what would I see for a datacenter? What are the requirements the data centers need to comply with? What can a solution look like? In the coming text I will try to give answers to those questions. Executive summary In the coming years the usage of services […]

Die Versicherung im Jahre 2030

Im folgenden Blog werde ich untersuchen, wie sich die Versicherungsbranche in den kommenden Jahren bis 2030 entwickeln könnte. Einige der Themen werden sich meiner Meinung nach ähnlich wie in der Bankenbranche entwickeln. Schauen Sie sich also bitte diesen Blogeintrag an: ( Executive Summary Die Wahl eines Geschäftsmodells für Versicherungen ist in den nächsten Jahren genauso […]


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