Currently I play with IoT devices and connected “things”, and as much they fascinate me, mostly they are quite locked and when the vendor loses interest, money or disappears from the market, these things mutate to ubiquitous threads and begin to scare me. Sure, most of the stuff is built on Linux, but passwords or […]
Category: Technology
To allow stable endpoints in an environment of ever changing starting and stopping Pods (and therefore constantly changing IP addresses), Kubernetes introduces (and OpenShift uses) the concept of services. Services are stable IP addresses (taken per default from the subnet) that remain the same as long as the service exists. Connection requests to a […]
So far, this sounds like a lot of effort to achieve a little more than a plain docker host – containers that can talk to each other and to the host network, potentially segregated based on kubernetes namespace. However OpenShift SDN also allows pods on different nodes to communicate with each other. To this end, […]
If you are debugging IPTables, it is handy to be able to trace the packets while it traverses the various chains. I was trying to find out why port forwarding from the external NIC to a virtual machine attached to a virtual bridge device was not working. You need to perform the following preparations: Load […]
In this blog I would like to demonstrate how easy it is to develop a mobile app with AngularJS and NodeJS. The goal is to develop the app locally and build an Android application with RHMAP later on. ‘RHMAP’ stands for ‘Red Hat Mobile Application Plattform‘. Maybe you know it as ‘FeedHenry’. What’s the target […]