Proof of Concept: Use Ansible to manage the Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment (AIDE)

This is the follow-up article to my Introduction to the Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment (AIDE). It presents a Proof of Concept (PoC) that shows how AIDE can be remotely controlled using an Ansible role. Knowledge of the introductory article is assumed. Basic Ansible knowledge, such as the use of Ansible roles and the execution of […]

Navigating Multi-Cluster Challenges

A Guide to Seamless Connectivity in OpenShift and OKD In today’s rapidly evolving technological landscape, the integration of complex architectures into our systems is becoming more prevalent than ever. One of these challenges is to consolidate a multi-cloud architecture into a true hybrid cloud one.  In this blog post we will delve into the motivations, solutions, and considerations […]

Review of 2023

OpenSourcerers 2023 is a wrap! It was packed with interesting articles covering a wide range of topics. There are 52 articles available covering high level topics down to the dirty technical details of using Red Hat’s products and other OpenSource technologies. Your Opensourcerers blog editors followed along of course! As we come from varying backgrounds […]

Confidentiality in a crazy world

This blog takes a log of the current state and the future of confidential computing and how it will change our perception of secure computing. Executive summary As like the opening image, companies rightfully guard their secrets like a 3 headed dog. Especially when it comes to implementing regulatory requirements. They not only fear the […]

What’s a (D)DoS and how to protect against such an attack – non technical.

Introduction The topic “Denial of Service” (DoS) and “Distributed Denial of Service” (DDoS) is always a hot topic because it could happen at any time for any Service at any Level. To understand what a (D)DoS is, let us explain what a “Service” is, what possible attacks are available and why such a denial of […]