The pleasures of being the Chief-Chief-Editor

Sometimes things happen, and then you need to jump in. You might have deducted from a couple of our posts in the past, mainly around Year-End, that we have a couple of Chief-Editors for this weekly publication. And as there also sometimes someone needs to be the Chief of the Chiefs, we decided, that I […]

Review of 2022

OpenSourcerers 2022 is a wrap! It was packed with interesting articles covering a wide range of topics. There are 52 articles available covering high level topics down to the dirty technical details of using Red Hat’s products and other OpenSource technologies. Your Opensourcerers blog editors followed along of course! As we come from varying backgrounds […]

OpenSourceSeeds: Solving the world’s problems using open approaches – outside the software domain

In May this year, my colleague Götz Rieger came across a poster in Berlin which piqued our interest: Open source bread? Free (libre) seeds? What is this all about? With German Thanksgiving on Oct. 2nd we want to take the opportunity to learn more about this initiative. To this end, we conducted an email interview […]

eBPF: More than package filtering… much more.

Let’s face it, eBPF is the hot topic of the day in the Linux and Kubernetes world: at KubeCon EU in Valencia it was hard to find a project not talking about it, and KubeCon US in October will probably be even more intense. And on September 28 and 29 there will be the virtual […]

OpenSource and how to demo it

Burr is the person who has been preparing, executing and demoing all the Keynote Demos during the last Red Hat Summits.
Red Hat Summit is the yearly event from Red Hat for announcing news and bringing together all of its customers in a huge conference.

I wanted to know from Burr, how he got involved with OpenSource, what it means to demo OpenSource in front of such large audiences, and how demoing OpenSource has changed over that last years and decades.

Cardboard OpenShift cluster

Although OpenShift becomes more and more known, there still are quite some people who are not fully aware about OpenShift and how it works. In addition to the common methods of presentations (“slides on beamers”), there are always opportunities to make software or processes in software more visible and tangible. So we show a slide, […]

Quantum Computing – How to start and how to say “Hello World!”

Introduction In my previous post on Open Source and Quantum Computing Quantum Computing: Open Source from the Start we learned about Quantum Computing in general and how Open Source is used to provide access to this new computing paradigm. This post will now focus on how to get started and provide a very easy guide […]

“Oops, something is wrong with your GitOps application!”

GitOps – Operations by Pull Request GitOps, a natural evolution of the DevOps practice, has gained popularity ever since it was introduced by Weaveworks in 2017. The core idea of GitOps is to treat “everything” as code. What does it mean? You will need to describe the desired state of your system declaratively as code, […]


If 42 is the answer to all your OpenSource questions …..

Happy New Year

We wish all a happy and successful New Year!


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