This is part 5 of my IoT series of blogs. So far we did look at the following topic Introduction into the planned scenario Building a Raspberry Pi based Smart Gateway ESP8266 and DHT22 based smart sensor Putting the Smart into the Smart IoT Device In this blog we will create a first running version of […]
Tag: Red Hat
If you have followed my earlier posts, then you know, that I’m in the process of building an IoT Demo, with a Raspberry Pi2 as the Smart Gateway. During this process, I had to re-install my Raspberry multiple times, but after the second time I got a bit tired of doing the same steps over […]
In my previous post I described how to manually export/import a Docker image from one system into the Docker registry of OpenShift. A next step would be to push an image from a non OpenShift system directly into the registry. The documentation of OpenShift recommends to secure the registry before opening it for external access. […]
Due to public requests, I updated my BPM & FSW demo to now run with the new Red Hat JBoss BPM-Suite V6.1 The migration was pretty easy, as the majority of the required artifacts did not need any alteration at all. Only the BPM-Suite repository needed a quick export/import as just copying the V6.0 niogit […]